Pandak Farms (Oct 2019)

Pandak Farms (Oct 2019)

Reenergia is working as strategic partners with Pandak Farms to merchandize, rebrand, and re-market Pandak Farms as a sustainable, green and innovative farming venture, to plan and execute value-added additions features for Pandak Farms and its products and services envisioning Pandak Farm as a Commodity Exchange Centre, develop and revive Pandak Farms as a Model Farm for Village Growth Accelerator Program (VGAP) – an initiative of Reenergia focusing on sustainable village growth paradigms and principles, and to act collectively as Knowledge Management hubs for training and skill development for agricultural and farming related communities.

Reenergia is the first private for-profit social impact advisory and delivery firm. We have forged ourselves as a ‘do-tank’—innovating and delivering solutions for improving human lives while making a profit.

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